Investing in People and Families Always Brings a Good Return
There’s never a shortage of news about the economy. Stock prices go up and down. Billions are invested and re-invested in businesses every day no matter what the overall market does.
It’s a shame that investing in people doesn’t get the same consideration. For example, food stamp funds are being cut by 10% when the Agriculture Department reports that one in six Americans don’t have enough to eat. Unfortunately, the real-world impact on vulnerable parents, children, families, and individuals doesn’t get the attention it deserves. What’s more, this forced deprivation targets people based on their circumstances…not just their income. Nonprofits can’t pick up the slack because their own funds are being cut.
That’s why For The Family created the Family Town Hall Series. Seniors, parents, families, nonprofits, and others describe their plight at forums that take place every spring and fall throughout Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. Their accounts are summarized in press releases and other publicity. We also count on the media to be responsible and report on this vital community issue.
Please click here if you want to become involved.
Nobody’s immune from life’s twists and turns, and we all deserve protection when they happen to us. Fortunately, faith-based and community service organizations have joined (and continue to join) our effort. Their support is one reason why the Series continues to gain momentum.